Wood cut and Hand couloring
Ini kisah dan pengalaman cinta. Saat ada rasa sayang yang berujung cinta, pasti ada perasaan ingin mengungkapkannya , agar pasangan itu mengetahui perasaan kita yang sesungguhnya....
Salah satu cara mengungkapkan rasa cinta itu adalah melalui ciuman....
meski tanpa mengatakan " I Love U" orang yang kita cium pasti sudah mengetahui maksud dari ciuman itu, karena ada rasa yang akan sampai ke dia dan itu tidak ada teori penjelasannya.....
Seniman grafis wood cut
Sutrisno SZ
Good Nine

Wood Cut On Wood And canvas 145X300cm 3 panels
Rabu, 01 Februari 2012
Kamis, 01 Desember 2011
Citra yang Luntur (a faded image)
Citra yang Luntur (a faded image)
Wood cut and hand coulouring
100cm X145cm
Seorang Presiden bukanlah manusia sempurna.
akan tetapi tanggung jawabnyalah yang bisa membuat dia menjadi sempurna.jika tanggung jawabnya sering terabaikan, pasti hinaanlah yang akan dia terima.
setelah dua kali terpilih sebagai presiden, SBY sudah mulai sering mengabaikan tanggung jawabnya dan lebih berkonsentrasi pada pencitraanya.
hasilnya rakyat semakin tidak percaya kepadanya. apalagi di dalam partainya sendiri juga terjadi peperangan sehingga membuat citra yang telah dia bangun Luntur.
Saya harap meski Citra SBY telah luntur, SBY tetap mau berjuang untuk memperbaiki kinerjanya sebagai presiden supaya tidak terjadi penyesalan dalam hidupnya ketika kelak dia kembali menjadi rakyat biasa.
A President is not a perfect man.
but the responsibility jawabnyalah that could make him to be perfect.
if the responsibility is often overlooked, definitely hinaanlah he would receive.
after twice elected as president, SBY has begun to frequently ignore the responsibilities and concentrate more on imaging
the results are more people do not believe him. especially within his own party also happens warfare so as to make the image he had built faded.
I hope that despite the image of SBY has faded, SBY still willing to fight to improve their performance as president so that no regrets in his life when he later returned to the common people
writing to sutrisno of M Dwi Marianto
Size: 122cmX170cm
Media: cukilan wood on canvas
Year: 2011
Size: 122cmX170cm
Media: cukilan wood on canvas
Year: 2011
Thinking Ever Wood cut Challenges For SutrisnoBy M. Dwi MariantoThis paper is about the graphic artwork Sutrisno and Sutrisno own, and I accidentally started from a simple work entitled New First Eat It, 2009, depicts a fragment plucked from everyday situations that may occur in almost every family who love to eat together, where some people get together and contiguous physical, but attention is not one that is present at the dinner table, but wandering in other places. May even hold the instrument together other than tableware. Today many people are so 'crazy' HP, never separated by a communication tool it day, night and morning. Otherwise yes sms's play the game, a telephone call, or to vary the setting, or add to other software.Presented via a graphical language cukilan wood with hand coloring is a fragment of around half a round dining table, which served a variety of foods, and beverages, including: rice in a container and a big spoon cooked rice, fried egg of a cow, fries, empal, fish fries, fried chicken, vegetables, crackers, pepper and salt in bottle packs of each table, there are kettles for drinking water. Which can be expected to eat there are three figures, namely: a dog, a woman (mother), and seerang youth (his son). The dog is described with a look ahead to see the viewers, as if calling attention to it that are no longer wait to eat the dish. Impatience was depicted with a visible tail twitching. Across from him is a long-haired young man, he was handed a six. One hand is feeding the food into his mouth which is described monyong. The other hand holding three phones at once. Other hand was holding a guitar's neck and pressed suit particular accord. Other hand plucked string electric guitar that bears. Other hand holding a large glass for drinks, coffee can be read because of its color. The other hand ditopangkan on the right knee. These two pairs of young eyes. The pair described as being glanced to his left toward the figure that there is just opposite to yell at him. Two other eye downward to the guitar that he played. This young man did not have attention drawn to the dinner table full of hidangn who are ready to eat. To intensify the attitude is not appreciative of what has been presented in the table, Sutrisno describe other devices that exist in the head, the headset, with what he was listening to music.Across the young man is a woman, portrayed with angry face, his eyebrows nearly collide, the tip of the outer edge of eyebrow was raised to the top secaa extreme. Hands of women is also six in number. He was ready to eat after trying hard to prepare everything that exists. But all the effort and work is not appreciated. He was so furious, pounded the table one hand, another hand pointing, shouting: "Eat first!" Sutrisno utilize various kotras: color, form, subject matter, and its icon. He cultivate subjects and it was a caricature that is by way of exaggerating the expression of body language, facial expressions, and the anatomy of the figure. No half-hearted. extreme, for example, three pairs of hands on exposure to the above two figures.Falling in Love, 2009, is another masterpiece Sutrisno are also worth listening to because of strong character, depicts two figures of men and women. They are in love. The man clutching a string of flowers bgaian still hidden in the back of his body. He was clutching a bouquet of fresh red, green leafy, and wrapped in a blue packaging. Contrast these three colors. Her eyes were huge glaring partner's hand was clutched. The man's shirt is also red, the color of fresh blood as a symbol of life or love. Thick black hair, shiny. In front of the woman, her hair green diwarna, too shiny, dikucir right and left with a blue ribbon meringkel. He wore an earring with a large pendulum, attract attention, such as earrings today. Pink lips, rosy cheeks as well. His clothes were black and yellow vertical berstrip. Chin resting on his right hand. signs shy or embarrassed, but happy. His eyes closed, apparently he was enjoying the warmth of the young man holding his left hand. There is a heart shape that tailed blue and pink, visible floating to the top of the head between the two figures. Sutrisno able to use character strokes that terbantuk sharply from scratch knife cukil woodcutting techniques. Anatomy is not very precise, but it was enough to build the effect of caricature, with what a particular character trait or disangatkan.Sutrisno, pegrafis young, born in Makassar in 1983, grew up in Bone, South Sulawesi. From Makassar if personal car traveled approximately 4 hours, through the road either side steep canyons, and besides pass large trucks. The family from which came Sutrisno live in the crowded central market area during the day but deserted after four o'clock. Fun games and recreation areas are open in the city virtually nothing. For Sutrisno while still in the village first, the main entertainment was hanging out with family, and joined the activity of worship. Sutrisno father is a pastor of the only Mahayana Buddhist temples, Buddhist Dharma Indonesia in the area with people who are still very few, he has ability and often make calligraphy china in between busy taking care of the grocery store and photo-copies of business. Her mother liked to make clothes, and for the purposes of this he likes to draw models for the clothes that he will make. Perhaps the artistic talent of both parents was Sutrisno choose a profession as an artist. In childhood and adolescence kana Sutrisno often participate in temple activities which meets two times a week, each 2 hours. In the event there are also programs for children, including: folding paper and other ketramplan activities. While still in elementary school Sutrisno be part of Team Stars monastery, and became one of the board during their studies in junior high. During high school he participated in the care of the younger generation monasteries.Since childhood, have interest in becoming a comic artist, because he likes to draw. The world and its visual vocabulary is formed by the habit of reading the stories illustrated from various magazines. This opportunity is possible because his parents had once had a business of printing and selling newspapers and magazines. The magazines are not sold can be read dulu.Beberapa time he won the race, drawing and painting competitions held in Bone. But eventually changed his interest, which made him want to be movie stars, celebrities of course. After walking some time he wanted to be an illustrator and grafikus.When creating a work of raising happy Sutrisno themes drawn from the experiences that he experienced true in everyday life. This is the power he had, that is able to see interesting things and can be used in contexts kesekarangan of small events of everyday. For example, for the work discussed above New Eat It First, he highlighted the small daily events around the table to eat with the family. Other works drawn from the experiences of playing, chatting with his brother and parents, or from the association of young people. Yang necessitated rather large event occurred that highlighted a small, but the intensity of feeling he felt that was pursued via language may be present as optimal graphics.Stimulus to art in Makassar is not as strong as in Yogyakarta, which is now nearly every day there is the opening of the exhibition, or at least there are exhibitions in several places turns or all at once. Sutrisno lot to learn in the city inhabited by many artists and aspiring artists who come from different regions and cultures. In Makassar has been no school-based art practice. In connection with this he dreamed to one day establish an art school in Makassar. The desire is because, according to observations he had been, there would be interest in cultural arts community is still very limited. The average person in the study of politics, law, economics and accounting, and management. Cultural reality that a common custom in Makassar that's what motivated him to study outside the region.Why to Yogyakarta?Sutrisno not a young man who used to surf when he graduated high school. Not all those who dare. Dependence on parent and family support kebersemaan very large. At first he had no plans to Yogyakarta. Far, and yet he knew. Something unknown, just like anything stored in files in the computer hard drive. Yogyakarta is still abstract in the minds Sutrisno before he had interest to Yogyakarta. This is the point, that everything there is a new and meaningful after we know and we observe carefully. Thus the story.At one point there friend of his father named Mr. Rudi a priest from outside the province who lectured on Buddhist community in Bone. In the speech Mr Rudi said a statement which read something like this: "Men are just at home or in their homeland, will not amount to anything. If he is rich, it's also because of the ease or inheritance received from parents. And, if he did not have any excess bias proud, the women are not attracted to him ". This statement really makes it conscious. Sutrisno challenged to go beyond the village, wander. He then based on the concept that sounds roughly like this 'No word can not, if someone else can'. Then he decided to go to, and learn the art in Yogyakarta. From Makassar to Yogyakarta he should go up first ship to Surabaya for 3 days and two nights, then take a transport connection to Yogyakarta - he was riding in the vehicle travel. For practical reasons Sutrisno transit first and take advantage of its relation to the Buddhist community in Yogyakarta, and concretely he came to the Buddhist Temple in Soka Road, near Kridosono, Yogyakarta, where until now he still borrows address the problem of send-send goods or letters.In Yogyakarta Sutrisno learned a lot, he must deal with people and colleagues from various cultures. Opened my eyes and cultural horizons. If the first in his village many people, and most people learn economics, management, or accounting, in Yogyakarta people learn all sorts. And, many things can be learned by Sutrisno without having to incur costs. One was about the culture and multiculturalism. Work is also a big challenge in Yogyakarta, he got a lot of competition and challenges from fellow students. Relatively large dimensions of his work in the context of kesenigrafisan is one to answer the challenge. Of the various challenges that he learned many things: self-reliance, cultural openness, and various habits and customs that he would never get if he's still in Watampone District, South Sulawesi.Graphic art work which is now engaged in an all-out for him is not an easy medium to master. He could only think by nature with the media after he mengeluti graphic graphic art at the Faculty of Fine Arts, ISI Yogyakarta, approximately 4 semesters. Why? Because when people make graphic printing equipment he had to think upside down, including: jadi left-right, which dicukil in wood cukilan part which does not print; that is not dicukillah that will put the ink. The problem was once when someone had to make works of writing on graphics, because he had to write upside down like an upside-down writing in a mirror. Invertibility now it has become second nature for him to think visually. And, it turns upside-down thinking, and / or back and forth this affect her perception of reality. This makes it more sensitive in seeing the potential of things that under ordinary circumstances invisible meaning.Where Sutrisno in Graphic Art Map?Sutrisno is a newcomer to the world of graphic arts in Yogyakarta - the city that gave birth to pegrafis-pegrafis reliably for Indonesia, such as: Widayat (deceased), Y. Eko Suprihadi, Mansyur, Edi Sunaryo, Pahlavi, Yamyuli Dwi Imam, Pracoyo, Sri Maryanto, AT Sitompul, Andre tanama and some graphic arts activists who did not get it. The complexity of her graphic arts, such as the necessity to think the details before executing the workmanship, is a challenge that must be faced. For example, one mencukil in wood cukilan fatal, particularly in the manufacture of molds, and in the print process.Even so Sutrisno excluding pegrafis cling to the conventional techniques of graphic arts, he followed the pegrafis cukilan wood coloring prints on canvas with hand-coloring techniques. The concept of the formation of creative language and vocabulary skills are influenced by processing visual images and create animations. Keep in mind, after five semesters of study in the FSR ISI Yogyakarta, in 2006, Sutrisno learn animation in a diploma program at CyberMedia. It is so natural that the effects of motion and movement frequently appear in menganimasi figures are highlighted. For example, the effect of motions dogs in his work entitled New First Eat It. Looking at the pattern of work, commitment and strength of the graphic, and strength menganimasi simple ideas into extraordinary, it can be said that Sutrisno is one of a small number of very promising young pegrafis for national measuresTo make the works more promising Sutrisno again it's good Sutrisno would continue to evaluate and reflect on the technical aspects of artistic and konsepsualnya. Do not let any of his work is becoming too 'sweet' or too 'salty'. Related to this there is one thing that I think can be corrected for future works Sutrisno. In the work of Fall in Love, and the work of Learning Cooking elements unnecessary otherwise, namely: the 'heart' symbol of love in Falling in Love; and the 'question mark' on the work of Cook Learning. Because without additional signs that viewers already get the point. In the first work, color, body language and facial figure-figure already implies a love that would Sutrisno say; in other works of the other's body language and facial expression already implies the confusion that plague people who are learning to cook. As a tip for this is better considered an expression of Taoism that would sound about it this way: 'If it can be five why should six; if possible three, why four?'Nam myo ho ren ge kyoYogyakarta, March 2009M. Dwi MariantoPPs ISI
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
Minggu, 24 Juli 2011
saya yakin ini jalanku
setelah memasuki dunia seni di masyarakat yang sesungguhnya, tantangan semakin berat!
tapi itu bukanlah suatu penghalang atau rintangan yang akan menghentikan aku!
saya tetap akan berjuang sampai cita-cita saya menjadi seniman hebat yang bisa membanggakan Negaraku"INDONESIA" akan terus berjalan hingga saya mati!
saya mau mati dalam perjuangan untuk negara dan bangsaku!
bukan mati di kasur Rumah Sakit!
karena saya yakin, yang menetukan akhirku adalah saya sendiri, karena NASIB ADA DI TANGAN SENDIRI!
tetaplah terus berkarya sampai desahan nafas yang terakhir!!!!
after entering the world of art in society that in fact, the more severe challenges
but it is not a barrier or obstacle that will stop me!
I will fight to keep my ideals become a great artist who can boast of My Country "INDONESIA" will continue to run until I die!
I want to die in the struggle for the country and my people!
not die in the hospital bed!
because I am sure, that determine my end is my own, because the fate THERE OWN HANDS!
still continue to work until the last breath sigh!!
tapi itu bukanlah suatu penghalang atau rintangan yang akan menghentikan aku!
saya tetap akan berjuang sampai cita-cita saya menjadi seniman hebat yang bisa membanggakan Negaraku"INDONESIA" akan terus berjalan hingga saya mati!
saya mau mati dalam perjuangan untuk negara dan bangsaku!
bukan mati di kasur Rumah Sakit!
karena saya yakin, yang menetukan akhirku adalah saya sendiri, karena NASIB ADA DI TANGAN SENDIRI!
tetaplah terus berkarya sampai desahan nafas yang terakhir!!!!
after entering the world of art in society that in fact, the more severe challenges
but it is not a barrier or obstacle that will stop me!
I will fight to keep my ideals become a great artist who can boast of My Country "INDONESIA" will continue to run until I die!
I want to die in the struggle for the country and my people!
not die in the hospital bed!
because I am sure, that determine my end is my own, because the fate THERE OWN HANDS!
still continue to work until the last breath sigh!!
Kamis, 14 Juli 2011
Seorang gadis cantik dan manis akan sangat mudah menarik perhatian dan membuat jatuh cinta. Bagaikan membawa pohon cinta kemana-mana dia bersiap menebarkan pesonanya.
Tentu saja dengan kelebihan yang dia miliki itu dapat membuat lawan jenisnya mabuk cinta.
Seekor burung kankuco jantan mewakili seorang pria yang suka bersenang-senang dan menebar pesona pada tiap lawan jenisnya.
Burung itu akhirnya terpikat dengan pesona sang gadis sehingga membawa panah asmaranya dengan bersemangat untuk dipersembahkan kepada gadis itu.
Dengan mengembangkan sayapnya yang indah dia berusaha menarik perhatian si gadis, rasa cinta akan mendominasi diantara mereka, karena itulah karya ini saya beri judul “ADA CINTA!”
A beautiful and sweet girl will be very easy to attract attention and make love. Like a tree brings love everywhere she prepares to cast a spell.
Of course with the advantages which he possessed could make drunk love the opposite sex.
A bird kankuco males represent a man who likes to have fun and charm in each of the opposite sex.
The bird was eventually lured by the charm of the girl so bring romance with an arrow eager to be offered to the girl.
By developing a beautiful wings she tried to attract the attention of the girl, the love will dominate among them, that's why I titled this work "THERE IS LOVE!"
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